Interior Maintenance Projects For Fall

Every spring we prepare our homes for the upcoming summer season and in turn each fall for the winter season.

Whether you tackle these home maintenance tasks all in one weekend or spread them out over a few weeks, here is a quick list of some of the more commonly forgotten home maintenance tips for fall:

🍂 Change the direction of your ceiling fans (they should turn clockwise to circulate warm air).

🍂 Deep clean inside all appliances including your microwave, refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, etc.

🍂 Pull out all those same appliances and clean behind them, under them and in those areas you don’t want to clean, but should like the fridge coils, dryer vents and washing machine filter.

🍂 Inspect and clean windows, screens and weatherstripping to ensure no drafts will cool your home this fall and winter.

🍂 Defrost the freezer and give it a good deep clean.

🍂 Clean (or replace) the hood fan filter above your stove.

🍂 Replace the batteries and check that the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working.

🍂 Replace summer gear (water toys, sunscreen, flip flops, etc.) with fall or winter gear (rain boots, gloves, touques, etc.)

🍂 Launder winter sheets and blankets to prepare for those cool nights on the horizon.

By having a clean home with all the necessary winter items at hand, you’ll be able to ease into the fall and winter a little bit easier.